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The keepalived_vrrp_script
resource can be used to configure a track script via a vrrp_script
configuration block.
More information available at (opens in a new tab)
Name | Type | Default | Description | Allowed Values |
script | String | nil | (Required) Path of the script to execute | |
interval | Integer | nil | Seconds between script invocations, | |
timeout | Integer | nil | Seconds after which script is considered to have failed | |
weight | Integer | nil | Adjust priority by this weight | -253..253 |
fall | Integer | nil | Required number of successes for OK transition | |
rise | Integer | Required number of successes for KO transition | ||
user | String | User/group names to run script under, group default to group of user | ||
config_directory | String | /etc/keepalived/conf.d | directory for the config file to reside in | |
config_file | String | ::File.join(config_directory, '00_keepalived_vrrp_script__#{name}__.conf') | full path to the config file | |
cookbook | String | keepalived | Which cookbook to look in for the template | |
source | String | vrrp_script.conf.erb | Name of the template to render |
keepalived_vrrp_script 'chk_haproxy' do
script '/usr/local/bin/'
timeout 10
fall 20
rise 30
user 'scriptUser'
notifies :restart, 'service[keepalived]', :delayed
keepalived_vrrp_script 'mongo-active' do
script '/usr/local/bin/'
interval 2
weight 50
notifies :restart, 'service[keepalived]', :delayed
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