Iis Config Property

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Sets an IIS configuration property


  • :set : Sets the property to the given value if it is not already set.
  • :add : Adds an item to a collection if one doesn't already exist. filter should define a collection element. An item will be added if there is no member with a property value of value.
  • :remove : Removes a item from a collection if it already exists. filter should define a collection element. The item will be removed if there is a member with a property value of value.


propertyStringYesname property. The property to be set. Defaults from name.
ps_pathStringYesSpecifies the configuration path. This can be either an IIS configuration path in the format computer name/webroot/apphost, or the IIS module path in this format IIS:\sites\Default Web Site.
locationStringNoThe location of the configuration setting. Location tags are frequently used for configuration settings that must be set more precisely than per application or per virtual directory. For example, a setting for a particular file or directory could use a location tag. Location tags are also used if a particular section is locked. In such an instance, the configuration system would have to use a location tag in one of the parent configuration files.
filterStringYesSpecifies the IIS configuration section or an XPath query that returns a configuration element.
valueString, IntegerYesThe value to set the property to. Either a string or an integer.
extra_add_valuesHashNoIf the add action requires additional values to be set at creation then supply them in this hash. This property is not idempotent. It is only used when the configuration is created.


# Sets up logging
iis_config_property 'directory' do
  filter    'system.applicationHost/sites/siteDefaults/logfile'
  value     'D:\\logs'
# Set XSS-Protection header on all sites
iis_config_property 'Add X-Xss-Protection' do
  filter    'system.webServer/httpProtocol/customHeaders'
  property  'name'
  value     'X-Xss-Protection'
  action    :add
iis_config_property 'Set X-Xss-Protection' do
  filter    "system.webServer/httpProtocol/customHeaders/add[@name='X-Xss-Protection']"
  property  'value'
  value     '1; mode=block'
# Set environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Test
# Note we still need to maintain the value via a Set resource
iis_config_property 'Add login/ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT' do
  ps_path           'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'
  location          'Default Web site'
  filter            'system.webServer/aspNetCore/environmentVariables'
  property          'name'
  value             'ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT'
  extra_add_values  value: 'Test'
  action            :add
iis_config_property 'Set login/ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT' do
  location  'Default Web site'
  filter    "system.webServer/aspNetCore/environmentVariables/environmentVariable[@name='ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT']"
  property  'value'
  value     'Test'