The docker_container
is responsible for managing Docker container actions. It speaks directly to the Docker remote API (opens in a new tab).
Containers are process oriented, and move through an event cycle.
- Creates the container but does not start it. Useful for Volume containers.:start
- Starts the container. Useful for containers that run jobs.. command that exit.:run
- The default action. Both:create
the container in one action. Redeploys the container on resource change.:run_if_missing
- Runs a container only once.:stop
- Stops the container.:restart
- Stops and then starts the container.:kill
- Send a signal to the container process. Defaults toSIGKILL
- Pauses the container.:unpause
- Unpauses the container.:delete
- Deletes the container.:redeploy
- Deletes and runs the container.:reload
- Sends SIGHUP to pid 1 in the container by default. Can be changed withreload_signal
Most docker_container
properties are the snake_case
version of the CamelCase
keys found in the Docker Remote Api (opens in a new tab)
- The name of the container. Defaults to the name of thedocker_container
- akaimage_name
. The first half of a the complete identifier for a Docker Image.tag
- The second half of a Docker image's identity. - Defaults tolatest
- The command to run when starting the container.autoremove
- Boolean - Automatically delete a container when it's command exits. Defaults tofalse
- An array of volume bindings for this container. Each volume binding is a string in one of these forms:container_path
to create a new volume for the container.host_path:container_path
to bind-mount a host path into the container.host_path:container_path:ro
to make the bind-mount read-only inside the container.cap_add
- An array Linux Capabilities (man 7 capabilities
) to add to grant the container beyond what it normally gets.cap_drop
- An array Linux Capabilities (man 7 capabilities
) to revoke that the container normally has.cpus
- A float or integer value specifying how much of the available CPU resources a container can use. Available in Docker 1.13 and higher.cpu_shares
- An integer value containing the CPU Shares for the container.devices
- A Hash of devices to add to the container.dns
- An array of DNS servers the container will use for name resolution.dns_search
- An array of domains the container will search for name resolution.domain_name
- Set's the container's dnsdomainname as returned by thednsdomainname
- Set the entry point for the container as a string or an array of strings.env
- Set environment variables in the container in the form['FOO=bar', 'BIZ=baz']
- Read environment variables from a file and set in the container. Accepts an Array or String to the file location. lazy evaluator must be set if the file passed is created by Chef.extra_hosts
- An array of hosts to add to the container's/etc/hosts
in the form['host_a:', 'host_b:']
- A boolean to use in container operations that support aforce
option. Defaults tofalse
- A hash containing the health check options - healthcheck reference (opens in a new tab)host
- A string containing the host the API should communicate with. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_HOST'] if sethost_name
- The hostname for the container.labels
A string, array, or hash to set metadata on the container in the form['foo:bar', 'hello:world']
- An array of source container/alias pairs to link the container to in the form[container_a:www', container_b:db']
- Sets a custom logging driver for the container (json-file/syslog/journald/gelf/fluentd/awslogs/splunk/etwlogs/gcplogs/logentries/loki-docker/local/none).log_opts
- Configures the above logging driver options (driver-specific).init
- Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes.ip_address
- Container IPv4 address (e.g.
- The mac address for the container to use.memory
- Memory limit in bytes.memory_swap
- Total memory limit (memory + swap); set-1
to disable swap limit (unlimited). You must use this with memory and make the swap value larger than memory.network_disabled
- Boolean to disable networking. Defaults tofalse
- Sets the networking mode for the container. One ofbridge
- Adds network-scoped alias for the container in form['alias-1', 'alias-2']
- Whether to disable OOM Killer for the container or not.oom_score_adj
- Tune container's OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000).open_stdin
- Boolean value, opens stdin. Defaults tofalse
- The path to write the file when using:export
- The port configuration to use in the container. Matches the syntax used by thedocker
CLI tool.privileged
- Boolean to start the container in privileged more. Defaults tofalse
- Allocates a random host port for all of a container's exposed ports.remove_volumes
- A boolean to clean up "dangling" volumes when removing the last container with a reference to it. Default tofalse
to match the Docker CLI behavior.restart_policy
- One ofno
, oralways
. Usealways
if you want a service container to survive a Dockerhost reboot. Defaults tono
- Maximum number of restarts to try whenrestart_policy
. Defaults to an ever increasing delay (double the previous delay, starting at 100mS), to prevent flooding the server.running_wait_time
- Amount of secondsdocker_container
wait to determine if a process is running.runtime
- Runtime to use when running container. Defaults torunc
- A list of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux.shm_size
- The size of/dev/shm
. The format is<number><unit>
, where number must be greater than 0. Unit is optional and can be b (bytes), k (kilobytes), m(megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is64m
- The signal to send when using the:kill
action. Defaults toSIGTERM
- A hash of sysctls to set on the container. Defaults to{}
- Boolean value to allocate a pseudo-TTY. Defaults tofalse
- A string value specifying the user inside the container.volumes
- An Array of paths inside the container to expose. Does the same thing as theVOLUME
directive in a Dockerfile, but works on container creation.volumes_from
- A list of volumes to inherit from another container. Specified in the form<container name>[:<ro|rw>]
- Driver that this container users to mount volumes.working_dir
- A string specifying the working directory for commands to run in.read_timeout
- May need to increase for commits or exports that are slowwrite_timeout
- May need to increase for commits or exports that are slowkill_after
- Number of seconds to wait before killing the container. Defaults to wait indefinitely; eventually will hit read_timeout limit.timeout
- Seconds to wait for an attached container to returntls
- Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_TLS'] if settls_verify
- Use TLS and verify the remote. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY'] if settls_ca_cert
- Trust certs signed only by this CA. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_CERT_PATH'] if settls_client_cert
- Path to TLS certificate file for docker cli. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_CERT_PATH'] if settls_client_key
- Path to TLS key file for docker cli. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_CERT_PATH'] if settmpfs
- A hash of paths to tmpfs options. Defaults to{}
- Modify the user namespace mode - Defaults tonil
, example option:host
- Set the PID (Process) Namespace mode for the
: use the host's PID namespace inside the container.ipc_mode
- Set the IPC mode for the container - Defaults tonil
, example option:host
- Set the UTS namespace mode for the container. The UTS namespace is for setting the hostname and the domain that is visible to running processes in that namespace. By default, all containers, including those with--network=host
, have their own UTS namespace. The host setting will result in the container using the same UTS namespace as the host. Note that --hostname is invalid in host UTS mode.ro_rootfs
- Mount the container's root filesystem as read only using the--read-only
flag. Defaults tofalse
Create a container without starting it
docker_container 'hello-world' do
command '/hello'
action :create
Run a command on every Chef Infra Client run
This will exit succesfully. It will happen on every chef-client run
docker_container 'busybox_ls' do
repo 'busybox'
command 'ls -la /'
action :run
The :run action contains both :create and :start the container in one action. Redeploys the container on resource change. It is the default action
Set environment variables in a container
docker_container 'env' do
repo 'debian'
env ['PATH=/usr/bin', 'FOO=bar']
command 'env'
action :run
docker_container 'env_files' do
repo 'debian'
env_file lazy { ['/env_file1', '/env_file2'] }
command 'env'
action :run
This process remains running between chef-client runs, :run will do nothing on subsequent converges
docker_container 'an_echo_server' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'nc -ll -p 7 -e /bin/cat'
port '7:7'
action :run
Let docker pick the host port
docker_container 'another_echo_server' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'nc -ll -p 7 -e /bin/cat'
port '7'
action :run
Specify the udp protocol
docker_container 'an_udp_echo_server' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'nc -ul -p 7 -e /bin/cat'
port '5007:7/udp'
action :run
Kill a container
docker_container 'bill' do
action :kill
Stop a container
docker_container 'hammer_time' do
action :stop
Force-stop a container after 30 seconds
docker_container 'hammer_time' do
kill_after 30
action :stop
Pause a container
docker_container 'red_light' do
action :pause
Unpause a container
docker_container 'green_light' do
action :unpause
Restart a container
docker_container 'restarter' do
action :restart
Delete a container
docker_container 'deleteme' do
remove_volumes true
action :delete
Redeploy a container
docker_container 'redeployer' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'nc -ll -p 7777 -e /bin/cat'
port '7'
action :run
execute 'redeploy redeployer' do
notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[redeployer]', :immediately
action :run
Bind mount local directories
docker_container 'bind_mounter' do
repo 'busybox'
command 'ls -la /bits /more-bits'
volumes ['/hostbits:/bits', '/more-hostbits:/more-bits']
action :run_if_missing
Mount volumes from another container
docker_container 'chef_container' do
command 'true'
volumes '/opt/chef'
action :create
docker_container 'ohai_debian' do
command '/opt/chef/embedded/bin/ohai platform'
repo 'debian'
volumes_from 'chef_container'
Mount a tmpfs at a given directory in the container
docker_container 'tmp_db' do
command '/bin/'
tmpfs { '/var/lib/db_data' => 'rw,size=2g' }
action :run
Set a container's entrypoint
docker_container 'ohai_again_debian' do
repo 'debian'
volumes_from 'chef_container'
entrypoint '/opt/chef/embedded/bin/ohai'
command 'platform'
action :run_if_missing
Automatically remove a container after it exits
docker_container 'sean_was_here' do
command "touch /opt/chef/sean_was_here-#{'%Y%m%d%H%M')}"
repo 'debian'
volumes_from 'chef_container'
autoremove true
action :run
Grant NET_ADMIN rights to a container
docker_container 'cap_add_net_admin' do
repo 'debian'
command 'bash -c "ip addr add brd + dev eth0 label eth0:0 ; ip addr list"'
cap_add 'NET_ADMIN'
action :run_if_missing
Revoke MKNOD rights to a container
docker_container 'cap_drop_mknod' do
repo 'debian'
command 'bash -c "mknod -m 444 /dev/urandom2 c 1 9 ; ls -la /dev/urandom2"'
cap_drop 'MKNOD'
action :run_if_missing
Set a container's hostname and domainname
docker_container 'fqdn' do
repo 'debian'
command 'hostname -f'
host_name 'computers'
domain_name 'biz'
action :run_if_missing
Set a container's DNS resolution
docker_container 'dns' do
repo 'debian'
command 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'
host_name 'computers'
dns ['', '']
dns_search ['', '']
action :run_if_missing
Add extra hosts to a container's /etc/hosts
docker_container 'extra_hosts' do
repo 'debian'
command 'cat /etc/hosts'
extra_hosts ['east:', 'west:']
action :run_if_missing
Manage container's restart_policy
docker_container 'try_try_again' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'grep asdasdasd /etc/passwd'
restart_policy 'on-failure'
restart_maximum_retry_count 2
action :run_if_missing
docker_container 'reboot_survivor' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'nc -ll -p 123 -e /bin/cat'
port '123'
restart_policy 'always'
action :run_if_missing
Manage container links
docker_container 'link_source' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
env ['FOO=bar', 'BIZ=baz']
command 'nc -ll -p 321 -e /bin/cat'
port '321'
action :run_if_missing
docker_container 'link_target_1' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
env ['ASD=asd']
command 'ping -c 1 hello'
links ['link_source:hello']
action :run_if_missing
docker_container 'link_target_2' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'env'
links ['link_source:hello']
action :run_if_missing
execute 'redeploy_link_source' do
command 'touch /marker_container_redeploy_link_source'
creates '/marker_container_redeploy_link_source'
notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[link_source]', :immediately
notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[link_target_1]', :immediately
notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[link_target_2]', :immediately
action :run
Mutate a container between chef-client runs
docker_tag 'mutator_from_busybox' do
target_repo 'busybox'
target_tag 'latest'
to_repo 'someara/mutator'
target_tag 'latest'
docker_container 'mutator' do
repo 'someara/mutator'
tag 'latest'
command "sh -c 'touch /mutator-`date +\"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S\"`'"
outfile '/mutator.tar'
force true
action :run_if_missing
execute 'commit mutator' do
command 'true'
notifies :commit, 'docker_container[mutator]', :immediately
notifies :export, 'docker_container[mutator]', :immediately
notifies :redeploy, 'docker_container[mutator]', :immediately
action :run
Specify read/write timeouts
docker_container 'api_timeouts' do
repo 'alpine'
read_timeout 60
write_timeout 60
Specify a custom logging driver and its options
docker_container 'syslogger' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
command 'nc -ll -p 780 -e /bin/cat'
log_driver 'syslog'
log_opts 'tag=container-syslogger'
Connect to an external docker daemon and create a container
docker_container 'external_daemon' do
repo 'alpine'
host 'tcp://'
action :create
Run a container with health_check options
docker_container 'health_check' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
health_check ({
"Test" =>
"Interval" => 0,
"Timeout" => 0,
"Retries" => 0,
"StartPeriod" => 0
action :run
Run a container with a device attached
docker_container 'health_check' do
repo 'alpine'
tag '3.1'
devices [{"PathOnHost" => "/dev/dri", "PathInContainer" => "/dev/dri", "CgroupPermissions" => "rwm"}]
action :run
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