Iis Pool

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Creates an application pool in IIS.


  • :add - add a new application pool
  • :config - apply configuration to an existing application pool
  • :delete - delete an existing application pool
  • :start - start a application pool
  • :stop - stop a application pool
  • :restart - restart a application pool
  • :recycle - recycle an application pool



NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
pool_nameStringNoname property. Specifies the name of the pool to create. We use the resource name if this isn't specified here
runtime_versionStringNospecifies what .NET version of the runtime to use.
pipeline_modeSymbol, StringIntegratedNospecifies what pipeline mode to create the pool with:Integrated, :Classic
no_managed_codetrue, falsefalseNoallow Unmanaged Code in setting up IIS app pools is shutting down.

Add Items

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
start_modeSymbol, String:OnDemandNoSpecifies the startup type for the application pool:OnDemand, :AlwaysRunning
auto_starttrue, falsetrueNoWhen true, indicates to the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) that the application pool should be automatically started when it is created or when IIS is started
queue_lengthInteger1000NoIndicates to HTTP.sys how many requests to queue for an application pool before rejecting future requests:Integrated, :Classic
thirty_two_bittrue, falsefalseNoset the pool to run in 32 bit mode.

Process Model Items

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
max_processesIntegerNospecifies the number of worker processes associated with the pool.
load_user_profiletrue, falsefalseNoThis property is used only when a service starts in a named user account.
identity_typeSymbol, StringNothe account identity that they app pool will run as:SpecificUser, :NetworkService, :LocalService, :LocalSystem, :ApplicationPoolIdentity
usernameStringNousername for the identity for the application pool
passwordStringNopassword for the identity for the application pool is started
logon_typeSymbol, StringNoSpecifies the logon type for the process identity. (For additional information about logon types (opens in a new tab), see the LogonUser Function topic on Microsoft's MSDN Web site.):LogonBatch, :LogonService
manual_group_membershiptrue, falsefalseNoSpecifies whether the IIS_IUSRS group Security Identifier (SID) is added to the worker process token. When false, IIS automatically uses an application pool identity as though it were a member of the built-in IIS_IUSRS group, which has access to necessary file and system resources. When true, an application pool identity must be explicitly added to all resources that a worker process requires at runtime
idle_timeoutString'00:20:00'NoSpecifies how long (in minutes) a worker process should run idle if no new requests are received and the worker process is not processing requests. After the allocated time passes, the worker process should request that it be shut down by the WWW service
idle_timeout_actionSymbol, StringNoSpecifies the option of suspending an idle worker process rather than terminating it.:Terminate, :Suspend
shutdown_time_limitString'00:01:30'NoSpecifies the time that the W3SVC service waits after it initiated a recycle. If the worker process does not shut down within the shutdownTimeLimit, it will be terminated by the W3SVC service.
startup_time_limitString'00:01:30'NoSpecifies the time that IIS waits for an application pool to start. If the application pool does not startup within the startupTimeLimit, the worker process is terminated and the rapid-fail protection count is incremented.
pinging_enabledtrue, falsetrueNoSpecifies whether pinging is enabled for the worker process.
ping_intervalString'00:00:30'NoSpecifies the time between health-monitoring pings that the WWW service sends to a worker process
ping_response_timeString'00:01:30'NoSpecifies the time that a worker process is given to respond to a health-monitoring ping. After the time limit is exceeded, the WWW service terminates the worker process

Recycling Items

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
disallow_rotation_on_config_changetrue, falsefalseNoThe DisallowRotationOnConfigChange property specifies whether or not the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) should rotate worker processes in an application pool when the configuration has changed.
disallow_overlapping_rotationtrue, falsefalseNoSpecifies whether the WWW Service should start another worker process to replace the existing worker process while that process
recycle_schedule_clearStringfalseNospecifies a pool to clear all scheduled recycle times.
log_event_on_recycletrue, falsenode['iis']['recycle']['log_events']Noconfigure IIS to log an event when one or more of the following configured events cause an application pool to recycle (for additional information about [logging events] ( (opens in a new tab)).
recycle_after_timeStringNospecifies a pool to recycle at regular time intervals, d.hh:mm:ss.
periodic_restart_scheduleArray, StringNoschedule a pool to recycle at specific times.
private_memoryIntegerNospecifies the amount of private memory (in kilobytes) after which you want the pool to recycle.
virtual_memoryIntegerNospecifies the amount of virtual memory (in kilobytes) after which you want the pool to recycle.

Failure Items

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
load_balancer_capabilitiesSymbol, String:HttpLevelNoSpecifies behavior when a worker process cannot be started, such as when the request queue is full or an application pool is in rapid-fail protection.:HttpLevel, :TcpLevel
orphan_worker_processtrue, falsefalseNoSpecifies whether to assign a worker process to an orphan state instead of terminating it when an application pool fails.
orphan_action_exeStringNoSpecifies an executable to run when the WWW service orphans a worker process (if the orphanWorkerProcess attribute is set to true). You can use the orphanActionParams attribute to send parameters to the executable
orphan_action_paramsStringNoIndicates command-line parameters for the executable named by the orphanActionExe attribute. To specify the process ID of the orphaned process, use %1%.
rapid_fail_protectiontrue, falsetrueNoSetting to true instructs the WWW service to remove from service all applications that are in an application pool
rapid_fail_protection_intervalString00:05:00NoSpecifies the number of minutes before the failure count for a process is reset
rapid_fail_protection_max_crashesInteger5NoSpecifies the maximum number of failures that are allowed within the number of minutes specified by the rapidFailProtectionInterval attribute
no_managedauto_shutdown_exe_codeStringNoSpecifies an executable to run when the WWW service shuts down an application pool
auto_shutdown_paramsStringNoSpecifies command-line parameters for the executable that is specified in the autoShutdownExe attribute

CPU Items

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
cpu_actionSymbol, String:NoActionNoConfigures the action that IIS takes when a worker process exceeds its configured CPU limit. The action attribute is configured on a per-application pool basis:NoAction, :KillW3wp, :Throttle, :ThrottleUnderLoad
cpu_limitInteger0NoConfigures the maximum percentage of CPU time (in 1/1000ths of one percent) that the worker processes in an application pool are allowed to consume over a period of time as indicated by the resetInterval attribute. If the limit set by the limit attribute is exceeded, an event is written to the event log and an optional set of events can be triggered.
cpu_reset_intervalString00:05:00NosSpecifies the reset period (in minutes) for CPU monitoring and throttling limits on an application pool. When the number of minutes elapsed since the last process accounting reset equals the number specified by this property, IIS resets the CPU timers for both the logging and limit intervals.
cpu_smp_affinitizedtrue, falsefalseNoSpecifies whether a particular worker process assigned to an application pool should also be assigned to a given CPU.
smp_processor_affinity_maskFloat4_294_967_295.0NoSpecifies the hexadecimal processor mask for multi-processor computers, which indicates to which CPU the worker processes in an application pool should be bound. Before this property takes effect, the smpAffinitized attribute must be set to true for the application pool.
smp_processor_affinity_mask_2Float4_294_967_295.0NoSpecifies the high-order DWORD hexadecimal processor mask for 64-bit multi-processor computers, which indicates to which CPU the worker processes in an application pool should be bound. Before this property takes effect, the smpAffinitized attribute must be set to true for the application pool.

Environment Variables

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAllowed Values
environment_variablesArray, StringNoSpecifies a list of environment variables that will be passed to a worker process when an application is launched. FOO=BAR or ['FOO=BAR','HELLO=WORLD']


# creates a new app pool
iis_pool 'myAppPool_v1_1' do
  runtime_version "2.0"
  pipeline_mode :Classic
  action :add