Docker Image


The docker_image is responsible for managing Docker image pulls, builds, and deletions. It speaks directly to the Docker Engine API (opens in a new tab).


  • :pull - Pulls an image from the registry. Default action.
  • :pull_if_missing - Pulls an image from the registry, only if it missing
  • :build - Builds an image from a Dockerfile, directory, or tarball
  • :build_if_missing - Same build, but only if it is missing
  • :save - Exports an image to a tarball at destination
  • :import - Imports an image from a tarball at destination
  • :remove - Removes (untags) an image
  • :push - Pushes an image to the registry


The docker_image resource properties mostly corresponds to the Docker Engine API (opens in a new tab) as driven by the docker-api Ruby gem (opens in a new tab)

A docker_image's full identifier is a string in the form <repo>:<tag>. There is some nuance around naming using the public registry vs a private one.

  • repo - aka image_name - The first half of a Docker image's identity. This is a string in the form: registry:port/owner/image_name. If the registry:port portion is left off, Docker will implicitly use the Docker public registry. "Official Images" omit the owner part. This means a repo id can be as short as busybox, alpine, or centos. These names refer to official images on the public registry. Names can be as long as to refer to custom images on an private registry. Often you'll see something like chef/chef to refer to private images on the public registry. - Defaults to resource name.
  • tag - The second half of a Docker image's identity. - Defaults to latest
  • source - Path to input for the :import, :build and :build_if_missing actions. For building, this can be a Dockerfile, a tarball containing a Dockerfile in its root, or a directory containing a Dockerfile. For :import, this should be a tarball containing Docker formatted image, as generated with :save.
  • destination - Path for output from the :save action.
  • force - A force boolean used in various actions - Defaults to false
  • nocache - Used in :build operations. - Defaults to false
  • noprune - Used in :remove operations - Defaults to false
  • rm - Remove intermediate containers after a successful build (default behavior) - Defaults to true
  • read_timeout - May need to increase for long image builds/pulls
  • write_timeout - May need to increase for long image builds/pulls
  • host - A string containing the host the API should communicate with. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_HOST'] if set.
  • tls - Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_TLS'] if set.
  • tls_verify - Use TLS and verify the remote. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY'] if set
  • tls_ca_cert - Trust certs signed only by this CA. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_CERT_PATH'] if set.
  • tls_client_cert - Path to TLS certificate file for docker cli. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_CERT_PATH'] if set
  • tls_client_key - Path to TLS key file for docker cli. Defaults to ENV['DOCKER_CERT_PATH'] if set.
  • buildargs - A String or Hash containing build arguments.


  • default action, default properties
docker_image 'hello-world'
  • non-default name property
docker_image "Tom's container" do
  repo 'tduffield/testcontainerd'
  action :pull
  • pull every time
docker_image 'busybox' do
  action :pull
  • specify a tag
docker_image 'alpine' do
  tag '3.1'
  • specify read/write timeouts
docker_image 'alpine' do
  read_timeout 60
  write_timeout 60
docker_image 'vbatts/slackware' do
  action :remove
  • save
docker_image 'save hello-world' do
  repo 'hello-world'
  destination '/tmp/hello-world.tar'
  not_if { ::File.exist?('/tmp/hello-world.tar') }
  action :save
  • build from a Dockerfile on every chef-client run
docker_image 'image_1' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/src/myproject/container1/Dockerfile'
  action :build
  • build from a directory, only if image is missing
docker_image 'image_2' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/src/myproject/container2'
  action :build_if_missing
  • build from a tarball NOTE: this is not an "export" tarball generated from an image save. The contents should be a Dockerfile, and anything it references to COPY or ADD
docker_image 'image_3' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/tmp/image_3.tar'
  action :build
docker_image 'hello-again' do
  tag 'v0.1.0'
  source '/tmp/hello-world.tar'
  action :import
  • build from a Dockerfile on every chef-client run with buildargs

Acceptable values for buildargs:


buildargs '{"IMAGE_NAME":"alpine","IMAGE_TAG":"latest"}'


buildargs "IMAGE_NAME": "alpine", "IMAGE_TAG": "latest"

buildargs "IMAGE_NAME" => "alpine", "IMAGE_TAG" => "latest"

docker_image 'image_1' do
  source '/src/myproject/container1/Dockerfile'
  buildargs '{"IMAGE_NAME":"alpine","IMAGE_TAG":"latest"}'
  action :build

Where Dockerfile contains:

ENV image_name=$IMAGE_NAME
RUN echo $image_name > /image_name
  • push
docker_image '' do
  action :push
  • Connect to an external docker daemon and pull an image
docker_image 'alpine' do
  host 'tcp://'
  tag '2.7'