This resource manages Jenkins HTTP proxy information
- :config
- :remove
This uses the Jenkins groovy API to configure the HTTP proxy information, that is provided on the Advanced tab of the Plugin Manager.
The :config
action idempotently configure the Jenkins HTTP proxy information on the current node. The proxy attribute corresponds to the proxy server name and port number that have to use on the target node. You may also specify a list of no proxy host names with the noproxy attribute. The default is localhost and If you need to authenticate you can set username and password attributes.
# Basic proxy configuration
jenkins_proxy ''
# Basic proxy configuration with user/password
jenkins_proxy '' do
username 'sous'
password 'chefs'
# Expanded proxy configuration
jenkins_proxy '' do
noproxy ['localhost', '', 'nohost', '*.nodomain']
# Expanded proxy configuration with user/password
jenkins_proxy '' do
username 'sous'
password 'chefs'
noproxy ['localhost', '', 'nohost', '*.nodomain']
The :remove
action removes the Jenkins HTTP proxy information from the system.
jenkins_proxy '' do
action :remove